
So KublaCon was a bit of an enigma.  I was told both that it was the best local gaming convention in Silicon Valley but that most of the WM players never bothered with it because it just couldn't draw a WM crowd.

I was also in a bit of a bind.  I couldn't make the first three days because I had plans to finally see San Francisco but I could attend Monday.  My guess was Monday would be dead but it would be a good chance to recon the con and see if it would be worth flying in for.  Also Monday was supposed to have a Flea Market.

The con itself:
The Flea Market
The board game library and play area
The Dealer Hall
So, as predicted the con was a bit dead Monday.  Turns out they have two Flea Markets and the one Friday night fills up that entire area...while the one Monday is the left over junk.  There were several other rooms than just what is pictured above, but they were all sadly empty.  I can easily believe that wasn't the case the whole way through but it sure was the case Monday.

The dealers room wasn't bad for a con this size, and I did pick up a copy of Argent: The Consortium on the cheap.  I also did watch a little bit of a Muskets and Tomahawks game which is something I've been dying to try out.  

Would I recommend friends come out here for this con?  God that is a hard sell.  Especially when it is framed in comparison to a trip to see San Francisco.  This felt like a bigger Plattecon(con run by my undergrad gaming club) then something that its worth going across country for like Gencon or BGG con.


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