
Showing posts from February 15, 2015

Attack Wing Victory!

So I won the local Attack Wing Resistance is Futile event.  This sounds longer than it really was, as it was just playing 3 separate events once per month.  To keep the Borg theme, the ships won were all partially converted Alpha Quadrant ships, with the grand prize being a variant Borg Tactical Cube. I'm honestly more excited for the Galor class The local Attack Wing community has been excellent.  Great gamers who also appear to be into Euro-style board games.  The organizer changes things up in a few ways that I really appreciate too:  they order more packs from Wizkids so that for most events everyone gets a ship and offers 3 bounties per event when building your fleet.  These are restrictions like equipping every ship with a photon torpedo or playing a pure Cardassian fleet(which I was more than happy to do). The changes in scenario and terrain are nice too.  I hear X-wing hasn't really changed at all in regards to that and its really a shame.  Tournament structure r

MK II Design Review: The Point System

Right from the start the MK II point system was controversial.  While the Mk1 system was incredibly fiddly, in both scale and how you purchased units, the MK II system was incredibly simple.  The suggestion to double the scale was rejected in the field test with DC stating that there wasn't any problem and you could simply tack rules onto a model to make it worth its points. Enter the Adepts... At this point its rather obvious that this didn't work out.  A common, and justified criticism, is the granularity on the smaller end of the scale.  Jumping from 1 to 2 points is a 100% increase and 2 to 3 falls to a mere 50%.  Rules can't just be added to a model to balance this either.  There aren't half rules steps so you still fall into a granularity trap alongside other issues such as models not being able to fully utilize their special abilities package. The One Point Difference From a game design perspective a less obvious takeaway is its important to realize th

X-Wing: Two Ships meta?

While I am completely out of modern X-Wing it was fun to see this: One, its good to see those X-Wing players finally catching up to what Attack Wing was doing a year ago.  Its a funny bit of parallelism there. I also remember trolling Matt with Lucas on this very subject when they changed the scenario rules.  "Good" to see we weren't off on that one.  I always did want to fly double Decimator.

Breaking into new games: Where is the sci-fi?

Price on the other hand... As an understatement, I've been a bit of a critic to 40k.  However there are aspects of the design of 40k that have become more apparent both over time and due to lack of it.  From an outsiders perspective the game 40k appears to be very approachable.  This isn't quite the right term for it, but 40k is a game where to get the experience that it will deliver ,as it were, doesn't require a large learning curve nor are the rules a barrier on entry. These are really pretty books. Where am I going with this?  Recently thanks to work, I don't have quite the same mental energy for gaming.  While work has been very engaging, it has also involved plenty of learning and plenty of background cycles.  I've also been wanting a sci-fi miniatures game and  Infinity  has just come out with a third edition.  This has not meshed well. A brief summary of the hacking special abilities 0.o Now, I've read through N3 once and like what