
So I haven't painted a model since moving to CA and I've been missing it.  A little work can really add up over time, but getting even that little bit going can be difficult.  So in the spirit of a Tontine, I'm going to sponsor a contest.

To compete over the next 6 months all you need to do is send me two pictures of a single miniature, one unpainted at the start of the month and one finished at the end.  Each picture will be posted here, but if you miss a month you fall out of the Tontine as it were.

As is only appropriate, there is also going to be a little bit of a prize on the line.  $60 will going into the pot, as it were, to be divided among the people who complete the 6th month.  If anyone else would like to sweeten the pot that will be awesome and it doesn't just have to be cash(free paint job on a model for a single victor, etc).

What am I going to try to paint this month:

I'm not really sure why I decided on Han, but I'm impressed at the quality of the mini.  The mold lines weren't awful to clean up and it has some nice detail.  As its the first mini in a while, its something I won't be too unhappy to mess up either.


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