M3-A Scyk

Continuing my trend of wise purchases, I've picked up the Scyk.  I really should have joined the local X-Wing league that started up a few weeks back but it falls on the same night as Shadowfist.

The Scyk seems to be the Scum answer to the TIE fighter.  It compares very well with a Black Squadron Pilot, where you trade 2 points of pilot skill(in the less useful mid ranges away from the extremes), sidegrade a hull for a shield and gain the ability to target lock.  The maneuver dial loses the 5 ahead but gains the 1 bank and splits up the k-turns to be at 3 and 5.  I would have prefered something a little cheaper but as the Z-95 has shown 2-3 Scyks will have a place in lists.

Serissu and Laetin are the two named pilots, both with defensive abilities.  Serissu appears to be a rare case in Scum where they like to work in a tight formation.  A defensive reroll in a bubble is a nice mirror to howlrunner as well.  What I like about Laetin's ability is it triggers every time they are missed, not only once per turn.  It also has a funny interaction with Gunner.

On to the Upgrades:

Flechette Cannon:  For two points this has really grown on me.  Stress works against larger ships significantly better than Ions and they stack with Ion.  It even clocks in at one less point compared to the Ion cannons.

Ion Cannon: Nothing new.

Mangler Cannon:  I'm not really sure what to think of this.  I enjoy crits, especially against fat ships, but I'm not sure this is worth its cost.  Maybe if you had some special rules that interact with crits but by itself it doesn't help you gain more consistent hits or in most cases more dice.

I was really hoping for a Cannon to make the Defender shine, maybe in the other scum packs?  = FFG may also be saving the Defender as the next thing to be fixed with a large ship.  Oh well.

Stealth Device: Nothing New.

"Heavy Scyk" Interceptor: A 2 cost title that lets a Scyk add a missile, torp or cannon slot.  Spending two points on a single shot piece of ordnance feels dubious.  Doubly so with the recent(ish) A-Wing title.  I'm not even sure I'm sold on spending extra points for a cannon for this thing. Attaching a minimum of 4 extra points onto a TIE fighter frame bothers me.  4 Scyks with Heavy Laser Cannons is amusing but god would that list just fall apart once it starts taking damage.

To finish things up, a correction from the last review.  Sadly you can't fit autothrusters on the Falcon unless you can find some way to also give it the boost icon.  Still its a great card for the game to help reign in turrets.


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