Malifaux: Settling on a Faction

So recent events have me dabbling in Malifaux again.  The difficulty here has been settling on a faction.  There are three primary problems:  1. There isn't a single faction with both strong and broad appeal, 2. My traditional method for deciding upon a faction/MMO character class/etc. haven't really worked out, 3. Faction ADD is real.  While I already own much of what is below Malifaux is detailed enough that focusing on a faction and a few masters to really grok seems important.  Current thoughts:


Across every Master in Malifaux, the above two masters are personal favorites.  Darby and Not-Char are both cool thematically and I enjoy their playstyle too.  The real issue is the rest of the Neverborn.  I can't really say I like the look of any of their other masters and many of the other options in the faction leave me cold(teddy bears = no, horrors = yes).

What the Neverborn have going for them is they are a traditional power faction. If the above two are enough to carry me through, finding a 4/5 point non-insignificant Neverborn unit to help out with scenarios is a must.

Coming in second place is the Outcasts.  All three of the above masters appeal to me:  disciplined Mercs, Cthulhu and friends, and the Necromantic answer to Dr. Who all look fun.  Leviticus is supposedly really good in 2E as well.  From there none of the other Masters in Outcasts really offends me either, but none of the above is as interesting as the two Neverborn masters.

Laying it out, two of the above Masters deal with Necromancy but the Necromantic faction as a whole doesn't really hold much sway.  Not really sure why.

Ten Thunders
Originally I purchased into 10 Thunders to play Dark Debts. Masters of the Path and Relic Hunters both look interesting too and so does the supporting faction.  They have an upcoming Tyrant master, which I really should have purchased at Gencon(If anything writing this is making me realize I would completely play a Tyrant faction).

Guild was originally purchased to give Malifaux a second chance after Ramos did me wrong.  Much like 10T and Outcasts overall the faction doesn't offend thematically but the above two are the only ones I really like.

Currently I'm leaning towards Neverborn but the core issue remains there.  It's completely hot or cold on that faction and I'm not sure if the Masters I enjoy cover all the bases well enough.  Lucius for Scenario play and Lynch for fighting sounds alright by what I know of the game but I don't have enough experience to really tell.  I need to give the other Masters in Neverborn a solid read over to see if that sparks further interest too.


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