
So one of my local stores, Game Kastle, is having a swap meet.  As I'm on my fourth month in CA I've had plenty of time to see what I actually play.  Moving has helped focus this as well, I had far too many games that I just wasn't playing even if I enjoyed them and space is at far more of a premium here.

What I'm thinking of selling:

40k is easily on the table.  I haven't really played this game in years, nor do I think I would enjoy it if I did.  On top of that it's incredibly expensive.  GW is the sick man of Europe and it seems best to dump this while I can.  I'm somewhat curious what my Chaos Dwarves models would bring me too.

Why should I keep it? I really do love how Tau look and I think I would enjoy painting them.  Sadly HG scratches this same itch.

Malifaux is on the table as well.  I enjoyed playing it in Dallas, but that was largely due to the community that played it there.  The 2nd edition, while excellent, took far too long and seemed to hurt the games momentum.  I think I've seen a single game of this being played here on top of all that.  The resculpts being better is another reason to sell and see if I ever need to buy again.

Why should I keep it?  I genuinely enjoy how this game approaches scenarios.  I also do enjoy some of the Masters playstyles and themes.  

I enjoy WW2 history and FoW as a game but this is the posterboy for games I haven't played in years(3+ honestly).  Not only that, but while Game Kastle stocks this game I have yet to see anyone play it or talk about it.  Maybe there is a group out there but I have enough on my plate without looking for more.

Why should I keep it?  As I said I do enjoy the period, Armored Cars and Italians.

The DP9 Heavy Gear kickstarter really undercut this game, as did the amount of work that would go into assembling these minis.  The rules aren't that great either and I have real doubts the game is going to go anywhere long term.

Why should I keep it?  Not really seeing anything here.  Maybe I'll keep some Valkyries to paint up one day.

I have a real love/hate thing for Mercs.  I've painted four factions and for the most part like the minis.  OTOH Texico and Kemvar exist as factions and the kickstarter not letting me buy into it in the pledge manager didn't help either.  The store stocks this game, but I've never seen anyone play it.

Why should I keep it?  Not really seeing much of a reason right now other than the painted minis.

Another game I really enjoyed because of the people I could play it with in Dallas.  I've seen some discussion about playing this locally online but playing this game with strangers just doesn't seem fun.

Why should I keep it?  It doesn't take much space.  It may be this games saving grace.

Never really did play this much in Dallas, as much as I enjoyed it.  There is supposed to be a group that plays locally but I've been distracted with playing Doomtown, Shadowfist and thinking about Netrunner.

Why should I keep it?  Doesn't really take up much space either.  


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