Game Kastle Swap Meet

The line 30 mins before it opened
Game Kastle held another swap meet.  As I learned from my first one of these, this is a fairly big deal.  Sadly, while I have plenty of things I would love to sell I didn't really have time to organize properly for this one.  This is especially true as I try to get ready for Gencon.

It was still something I wanted to go to.  There were plenty of incredible deals at the last one and I can at least look for some of the rare games or rarer miniatures I wouldn't mind picking up.

While there was plenty of 40k and WHFB at the last one, there was even more WHFB this time around.  It's almost like something drastic happened there.  Beyond that it was a smattering of board games, popular miniature games and random junk(Why you think anyone wants your hand painted map of an underground cultist layer is beyond me).
The line from the half way point right before it opened
Still, I can't complain about what I found.  Thanks to a recent d6 Generation episode I've been feeling like LotR again.  Thankfully, I remembered there were several LotR LCG core sets floating around last time and this time was no different.  $15 well spent there.

As I'm still playing Attack Wing, it was also a pleasant surprise to find someone selling various ships from different Attack Wing events.  $5 a ship is a great price, and while I'm not currently playing the Vulcans picking up the Vulcan OP ship I didn't have for completion sake seemed worth it.

Finally, a dealer was selling a bag of 16 hobgoblin Blood Bowl players.  Long ago I found a bunch of Chaos Dwarf linemen at some Arlington game store.  The hobgoblin needed to complete that team have been surprisingly more difficult to find.  16 is way more than I need, but for $20 for the lot of them its an incredible price.  I've seen 3 go for $20 on ebay often enough.  Now I just need to find a Bulltaur and a Minotaur and that team will be complete(Also people who play it locally and some blocking dice).


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