
It was a nice surprise to actually find a Shadowfist group in SV soon after I moved here.  For all its faults and age Shadowfist has actually been a lot of fun to play multiplayer.  Much like EDH, this would have never worked with my gaming groups in DFW and EDH was something I was interested in trying for some time.

So what do I enjoy about Shadowfist?  Sure nostalgia plays a big part but I also enjoy the setting and at this point the depth of the card pool.  My three favorites:


When it comes to its settings Shadowfist is a bit of a mess that only 90s gaming could produce.  For example:  The Architects.  Rulers of the far future juncture who use said junctures to travel back in time, capture ancient demons and genetically engineer them into super soldiers.  These go down the line and hit all my archetypical favs when it comes to factions.  Sadly they aren't supported in Modern :/(another typical occurrence for factions I enjoy).

Decks I've enjoyed with them:  Tanks!, Brain in a Jar, Lets Super compute our way out of this Mess and most recently Mad Science.

The junctures and secret war are supposedly super important to Shadowfist(Honestly there should be rules for destroying Feng Shui sites to cause a critical shift).  The Architects are half of a rare case of a Critical Shifts effects appearing in card form:

Which also leads nicely into the Syndicate.  The Syndicate replaced the Architects after a critical shift.  Generic cyberpunk...but with some hidden reason for why they were super desperate to get to Mars.  Sadly they only were around for 3 expansions.

Decks I've enjoyed with them:  Mars express.  It's not super interesting but is super efficient.

The Four Monarchs

Casualties of a Critical Shift the four monarchs crept back into the linkage between the junctures to plot their revenge and bicker.  Living in this Netherworld their theme is all over the place and each of them has their own style.  Thematically they also have dregs throughout history to call upon.

While they are primarily a magic faction, Fire was also scouting the future junctures for technology.  Strangely, while having plenty of martial characters I don't remember them having many sources of chi.

Decks:  Secret Fire Tech and 4 Siblings have both been fun.

This has turned into far more of a thematic favorites than any of the mechanical workings of the decks behind them.  Maybe for a future post?


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