
Showing posts from 2016

2015 Retrospect

So my extended second "holiday" is now over, posting to this blog has been disrupted thanks to work, and I've been enjoying reading retrospects in other blogs.  So how has 2015 been in gaming personally? Miniature Games: Warmachine/Hordes: * This deserves a far larger post, but this was a really awful year for WM/H.  All the factions I care about either didn't get anything or had a boat load of horrible releases.  As an example, who thinks for one release cycle what Khador really needs is all jacks and half of them should be MAT 5?   Even then it was actually giving eZaal a fair shake was the straw that broke the camel's back.  I shouldn't get annoyed playing a game I'm supposed to enjoy and WM has sadly reached that point.  Currently I'm taking a break to see if that helps. Malifaux:  *** I played a little Mk2 back in DFW but it never really caught on then as too many of the models weren't released.  In SC I've now gotten about ha