So Gencon is less than two weeks away. It's past time to settle on a deck and get final testing done. Currently, Desolation Row is still the deck to beat but there are options in other factions that are also good. The Desolation Row deck is a good template for shooter decks from other factions too. Starting with the aforementioned Desolation Row: this is the deck that I took to my local recent Sheriff's event. I used that starting posse for most games. Against Deedslide or Clowns Fred Aims went in with his infinite influence(note both of those decks should run The Evidence) and against decks that wanted to fight I switched out Allie or Makaio for Angelica. In retrospect I should probably start Angelica, Sanford, Travis, Jake and Makaio. Starting with two studs has been very very important. Modern shooter decks have incredibly odds to have the ability to debuff one of them so it's an important to have a backup before starti...
A review of the just released Nightmare at Noon. Stolen completely from stim hack, the follow metric will be used: 5 – Great One of the strongest cards in the game: it’s powerful and always useful. It’s surprising to see a deck that doesn’t play this card in-faction. 4 – Good A good card that sees plenty of play. It’s not necessarily the best choice for every deck, but you can put it in your deck and know that it will do something for you. 3 – Playable You can’t just throw this card in any deck and expect it to do something for you, but it can be good in the right context. 2 – Weak This card isn’t good enough to be worth playing. The decks it fits tightly into are not well suited for competitive play. The stars might align such that it fits into a competitive deck, but even then it’s generally worse than a more straightforwardly good card. 1 – Bad This card sucks. doomtown db should eventually have the full spoilers up. Junior DG - 3 If only his abili...
While I am ditching games, there are some games I am going to keep around despite the lack of play on their part. At the very least there should be more swap meets later down the road... What I don't have is a good group that moves between games. Really missing the MNI in that regards, as during the golden period it had a great schedule between mini gaming and board gaming. Knowing I have a group like that would help ease some of the issues here, but CA gamers seem to be more single game focused. I haven't played a board game since moving to CA. Thankfully I honestly miss playing board games and have been invited to play with a more established board game group(if only I could stop being busy randomly Monday evenings). These were also dramatically thinned down so I can't think of a board game I own now that I wouldn't want to play. Hopefully I will get a game in soon... Turret-Wing is another game I haven't played since moving here. ...