LVO Legion Lessons Learned
Did poorly I did Pretty much as the title says! 0. Turn Zero: Important I need to do a better job with turn zero, specifically the scenario card. While the other cards could be annoying the scenario card itself easily was the most important of the three. Questions to ask: is their list better at range?[vaps] Is their list more mobile?[bombing run/breakthrough] Can they force payload? 1. Naked Troopers: Bad 10 activations is important but getting there by including more than 1-2 naked troop units while playing with all your toys isn't great. It results in too large a part of your army that isn't doing any lifting. Better to cut back the toys to make sure the foundation is strong. Most armies can't make up for that deficit(Padme Yoda Saber can die in a fire) 2. Dice Fixing: Good Much like playing with and without Aggressive tactics for CIS, it was reall...