
Showing posts from March 8, 2015

M3-A Scyk

Continuing my trend of wise purchases, I've picked up the Scyk.  I really should have joined the local X-Wing league that started up a few weeks back but it falls on the same night as Shadowfist. The Scyk seems to be the Scum answer to the TIE fighter.  It compares very well with a Black Squadron Pilot, where you trade 2 points of pilot skill(in the less useful mid ranges away from the extremes), sidegrade a hull for a shield and gain the ability to target lock.  The maneuver dial loses the 5 ahead but gains the 1 bank and splits up the k-turns to be at 3 and 5.  I would have prefered something a little cheaper but as the Z-95 has shown 2-3 Scyks will have a place in lists. Serissu and Laetin are the two named pilots, both with defensive abilities.  Serissu appears to be a rare case in Scum where they like to work in a tight formation.  A defensive reroll in a bubble is a nice mirror to howlrunner as well.  What I like about Laetin's ability is it triggers every time they

Swap Meet!

So the swap meet at Game Kastle was this last Saturday.  Compared to the ones I've been to in DFW this one was srs bsns.  The line you can see above is the people waiting outside for the swap meet to start. Compared to Dallas area swap meets you have to buy a spot at $15.  This gives you a table to display your fine wares.  As you are buying in you are also free to take cash, though you can always choose to take store credit too. It was intense but only lasted about an hour.  Makes me think about the wisdom of the hour long swap meet at BGG con.  Much like BGG con buying a table lets you get first dibs too.   I walked away with over $500 in my wallet, even after dropping $15 on Settlers of Catan Rome and $10 on a Skorne dice tin and dice.  Sadly I didn't see a copy of Manila or A Study in Emerald. I didn't have too many surprises on what sold and what didn't.  The weirdest bit is that no Flames of War sold, but I had a ton of people tell me to keep