M3-A Scyk
Continuing my trend of wise purchases, I've picked up the Scyk. I really should have joined the local X-Wing league that started up a few weeks back but it falls on the same night as Shadowfist. The Scyk seems to be the Scum answer to the TIE fighter. It compares very well with a Black Squadron Pilot, where you trade 2 points of pilot skill(in the less useful mid ranges away from the extremes), sidegrade a hull for a shield and gain the ability to target lock. The maneuver dial loses the 5 ahead but gains the 1 bank and splits up the k-turns to be at 3 and 5. I would have prefered something a little cheaper but as the Z-95 has shown 2-3 Scyks will have a place in lists. Serissu and Laetin are the two named pilots, both with defensive abilities. Serissu appears to be a rare case in Scum where they like to work in a tight formation. A defensive reroll in a bubble is a nice mirror to howlrunner as well. What I like about Laetin's ability is i...